Laptops Provide Second Chances and New Career Paths for Hoosiers

Ten Hoosiers were recently surprised when they each received a new laptop donated by Comcast in partnership with the Indianapolis Public Library. The two organizations are committed to building digital equity for Indiana residents and are partnering on efforts to bridge the digital divide.

Beverly Campbell is one of the beneficiaries awarded a laptop. She was a few years away from retiring from her career as a correctional officer until she had a medical setback and had to leave her job.

Campbell’s previous career did not involve much use of computers, and she did not fully understand how to navigate digital spaces. With the laptop and tools provided by Comcast and the Indianapolis Public Library, she is building new skills to compete in the workforce and start a new career.

“I’m just trying to learn lingo so I can be efficient when I am able to go back to work,” Campbell said. The Indianapolis Public Library offers free Wi-Fi, printing services, classes, workshops, and more.

“The laptops Comcast has awarded to those in our program allow them access at-home, on-demand learning from the Indianapolis Public Library,” said Marianne McKenzie, the library’s Digital Inclusion Supervisor. “This includes Northstar Online Learning which was made possible by a gift from Comcast to the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation,”

An additional 10 laptops were awarded to the Indiana Latino Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. The laptops will be used to create a digital technology program providing the survivors with digital literacy training.

“These computers from Comcast enable us to better serve our clients by helping them develop their job skills which will ultimately enable them to build independent lives and gain a sense of empowerment,” said Vanessa Alcantara of the Latino Coalition.

The partnership between Comcast and local organizations, like the Latino Coalition and Indianapolis Public Library, allows those enrolled in digital training programs the flexibility to learn on their schedule, enabling them to more quickly and affordably gain digital literacy, participate in an increasingly online world and even start new careers.

Enrollees were also provided information about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), so they could connect through broadband programs such as Comcast’s Internet Essentials.

On average, Black and Hispanic households are disproportionately impacted by the barriers creating the digital divide. Comcast recognizes this problem and is committed to helping underserved populations reach a level playing field.

Comcast and its partners are demolishing barriers to the digital divide; some of the walls being broken down include internet affordability, lack of skills to function online, and exposure to emerging technologies.

Comcast urges everyone struggling to keep pace in the growing digital world to see if they qualify for the ACP to get a federally-assisted broadband credit that can pay for a customer’s monthly service and eliminate a barrier to entry for online participation.

Also, your local Xfinity Store is a great resource for helping residents navigate the ACP process.



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