Girls Inc. Helps Future Leaders in Bloomington Area With $30,000 Grant

A $30,000 dollar grant from the Comcast Foundation will go a long way towards helping Girls Inc. of Monroe County, a nonprofit organization that helps girls of all ages develop the values and skills they need to become confident, productive and responsible adults.
Amy Stark, director of Girls Inc. of Monroe County, says this grant will directly benefit girls they serve in after school and summer programs. “This generous support from the Comcast Foundation will allow us to expand our Girls Inc. University summer institutes for middle and high school girls, and to purchase video and sound equipment for our girls to use all year.”
Local, engaged companies, like ours, are in a great position to help worthy nonprofits by sharing resources with specifically targeted community programs. By working with Girls Inc. of Monroe County, some of our community’s most important needs are better met, while leadership skills are being developed among future Hoosier leaders. Additionally, we’re helping to establish meaningful connections – between students and mentors as well as between participants and our own organization, which perhaps one day we’ll benefit from hiring these future leaders.
In addition to donating $140,000 in grants to Hoosier-based charities, last year Comcast provided more than $2 million in courtesy services, sponsorships, public service announcements, Comcast Newsmakers and other in-kind contributions to nonprofits and charities throughout Indiana.