Comcast Has A Strong Support Network For Veterans

Brock Gipson, a manager of installation and service for Comcast in Indiana

Many Comcast employees have proudly served their country, and we believe it’s our duty to make sure our veteran workforce is well-served with as many opportunities as possible.

That’s why we established the Veterans Network (VetNet) Employee Resource Group that offers mentoring programs and networking opportunities to help members grow professionally and personally.

Brock Gipson, a manager of installation and service for Comcast here in Indiana, came to our company after completing his service in the U.S. Navy.  Gipson started in the field as a technician installing and repairing Xfinity products and services for our residential customers.

“Entering the workforce can be very scary.,” Gipson shared. “The military was all I knew.”

Luckily for Gipson, one of the people responsible for his hiring was also a veteran. The person responsible for bringing him onboard understood the military structure and valued his training.

“Now that I’m the one doing the hiring, I have a good perspective about how I got here,” Gipson continued. “Vets are well-disciplined and easily make the transition to Comcast. They tend to be long-term employees who are focused on advancement and motivated to get more stripes on their sleeves and earn additional responsibility.”

Gipson says veterans are predisposed to understanding the challenging type of work for Comcast technicians.

“A lot of veterans are technically minded. Trouble shooting is a primary attribute of any tech and that is one of the traits constantly reinforced through any of the trades in the military. Much of military service is mechanical in nature and involves ‘on the fly’ problem solving –the same kind of problem solving that helps our frontline employees every day.”

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